Sunday, August 23, 2009

Abandonment Much?

I know it looks like I have abandoned blogging all together, but truth is I am doing it now more than ever! I’m just not doing it here. Instead I have been blogging my little butt off over on! I’m Miss Cloud!

I realize that unless you are fully engrossed in planning a wedding the way I am, you might not have ever heard of Weddingbee before. Well, it is a community of brides who blog about the trials and tribulations of the planning process. I had been religiously following the bee since we were engaged last year, and after a LOT of encouragement from Brian, I decided to start my own blog and apply to become a Bee myself. And after a few weeks, I heard back and was accepted! It’s been a truly awesome experience so far, I’ve had the chance to “meet” so many people and blabber on and on all about the wedding to other brides. Please feel free to go check it out, but I warn you I divulge a lot of details of our upcoming wedding, so if you will be attending and want to be surprised, stay away!

Brian has also been really busy these past few months. He was promoted at the T-Mobile call center to a Senior Rep position putting him into the role of management and all of the responsibilities that come with (ie. very long hours!) but I couldn’t be more proud of him! In the past few months since his promotion, while working with a new team they moved from the very last spot in the center’s ranking to tenth overall!

Other then work and blogs, it has been wedding central in our apartment. An engagement ring should really come with a disclaimer: “wedding supplies will soon take over every spare inch of your living quarters”. We are learning to live with it though, and Bella loves all the new stuff to sniff! 76 days to go!!

Even Bella thinks this wedding stuff is exhausting!

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