Sunday, November 16, 2008

sunday random pic

Who are these random people you ask? Well, if you know us at all, then you already know, but I would like to introduce everyone officially to our Maid of Honor, Rachel, and our Best Man, Luke! Alright, truth be told I'm getting bored with the random pictures of us, so why not introduce some of our best friends? :)

Ironically, this picture was taken before Bri and I even knew eachother. Rachel and I were roommates freshman year, and sorority sisters of course, and I knew Luke becasue he was in a fraternity we hung out with a lot. So this was the homecoming tailgate that Luke and I were put in charge of about a week before and managed to pull of. Good times and fun memories!

Have a fabulous week everyone! Maybe I will have enough time to sit down and write a real live blog entry!

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