Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!!

So here we are, a whopping 8 whole days into 2009 (and a mere 10 months until the wedding, for anyone who is counting), and I haven’t even wished everyone a happy new year! We’ve got big plans for such a big year, and I am very proud to say we are already on top of some of our big goals. So while I can’t speak for Bri, because he’s not one for resolutions, the list I have for myself is quite a big one. No worries though, he is getting dragged along in a few of mine as well. I certainly can’t have all the fun can I? So without further ado….

Get into shape (Well we are on our way, we joined a gym! Shocking, I know, but who wants to see a flabby bride walking down the isle?)
Get healthy (Ok, this is just mine and I have joined Weight Watchers! Sounds nuts because I don’t exactly have tons and tons of weight to loose, but for me it’s more about eating right and feeling better about myself. Don’t expect a weekly update on here with my progress or anything, but weight Watchers Wednesdays are becoming quite the big deal around here!)
Keep in touch (I like to think this means I will be remembering to send birthday and anniversary cards, but let’s be serious, I’m just trying to respond to emails and phone calls on the regular first. Oh, this will also include an increase in blogging. Man, I’m already slacking big time.)
Get organized (Not that our house is a complete disaster, but hiding behind some of our cute little bins and closed closet doors, there are some major disasters.)
Get motivated (I have big plans for my little project called ‘Baby Bubba Ink.’ If you got a Christmas card this year, you saw our first large production. A very lucky dad and brother I know also got some fantastic productions for x-mas as well. More on that later..)
And last but certainly not least..
Plan this crazy wedding and GET MARRIED!!

So what’s next? We are definitely starting to pick up the pace on the planning. You just wouldn’t believe how fast vendors book up around here! This includes a wedding show on Sunday (yay!), and meeting with a potential DJ on Monday. Then, next weekend my Mum will be in town for more meetings with potential vendors, and if all goes as planned, invitations will be ordered as well. And if that doesn’t make January jam-packed enough, the following weekend, Brian’s parents will be in town for a post-Christmas-Christmas! So our tree is still up and since I love all of our holiday decorations so much, I don’t mind one bit! Whew, it’s going to be a big month!

Since every post needs a picture, you will have to excuse me for the randomness of this one, but I just have to share. Before the holidays, on a randomly warm day Bri, Bella, and I all met up with our fabulous wedding photographer, Heather of Dolphin Dance Photography to finish up our engagement session. We originially were going to do pictures with Bella at the first shoot, but it was about a week after she was attacked, so she was still in the Doggy ICU, and in no shape to have her pictures taken. Trust me, she will let you know if she is in the modeling mood. So here is one of my favs, isn’t our gal precious?!

Please check out to see more of Heather’s amazing work!

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