Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wonderful News!

Well it has been quite busy in our house the past few weeks (yes, I realize I am making it a habit of typing an excuse as to why I haven’t posted in so long when I start EVERY post..)

But there is good reason for this! Brian started his new job!! He is official a General Care Representative at the T-Mobile call center here in Richmond! I can’t tell you how lucky he is to have landed this position. We know from my experience already that T-Mobile is a fabulous company to work for, great benefits, great pay, and vacation time (YAY!), so when the SunCom call center was bought out by T-Mobile it only made sense for him to apply, especially because the building is literally right next to our house! He has walked to and from work every day, and even come home to visit Bella for his lunch break (hello less gas money!) so it has really worked out well. He will be in training for the first 8 weeks, but so far so good!

Since we are both loyal employees maybe they will let us borrow this for the honeymoon???!!

I have also been fairly busy with work, and my wedding obsession is growing still! We actually celebrated our pre-wedding 13 month anniversary! It is hard to believe we only have 13 months to go, it seems like just the other day everyone was telling me I had plenty of time – we were still 22 months out when we got engaged! Well time sure has flown by! I have accomplished quite a bit, although some days I feel more like I am planning to plan instead of actually doing things. Some things I have done though:
- Booked the church (Richmond’s Sacred Heart Cathedral)
- Booked the reception site (The Jefferson Hotel!!)
- Picked out and purchased THE DRESS!!
- Picked out and purchased bridesmaid dresses
- Ordered Save-the-Dates (which are still being assembled and will be going out shortly)
- Picked out invitations and a calligrapher
- Planned about a million DIY projects!

The Jefferson Hotel, becasue, well its just beautiful!

Looking at it in a list like that I realize it does not look like much. But I swear it is! The details I am getting together keep my up at night and make me very excited and finally Brian also seems to be getting in on the excitement, instead of just seeming bored with looking at different flower options. I’m pretty sure the tastings will still be the best part of planning for him!

I also had a chance to visit with an old coworker of mine last week. It was just a quick lunch, but it was long overdue. I have known Kristy and her husband Rick for a few years now, went to their wedding, got to visit their first daughter Olivia in the hospital right after she was born, and now am happy to say they are expecting their second child! They are such a wonderful couple and really deserve all the happiness in the world! The reason I mention this is just because I HAD to post this picture… isn’t she the CUTEST!!

I hope everyone is well! Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

ami @ elizabeth anne designs said...

hi there! i just found your blog via blue-eyed bride. i'm so excited to follow your wedding planning journey!