Wednesday, December 10, 2008

No, we did not fall off the face of the earth..

I know, I know, you are thinking that I just might be the slacker of the century, but I promise, this hiatus has not been by choice. Unfortunately a few weeks ago my beloved HP laptop kicked the bucket (did this have anything to do with the bunk charger I have been using for the past year, well, yes maybe). I swear I go through computers faster than anyone I know. And while I could have marched right into our office and used Brian’s desktop OR laptop, we all know he is a bit of a computer snob, and the last time I used his desktop I unplugged something that caused lots and lots of damage to an external hard drive. Since I will probably never hear the end of that particular incident, I am now just plain scared to touch the thing. Trust me, the computers, turntables, and other DJ equipment are like his babies. If the apartment was burning down he would be hauling them down the stairs leaving Bella and I to fend for ourselves (just kidding Bri! But I know you would try to go back in to save your beloved toys!)

So I have been waiting very patiently for TEN whole days now for this beauty to ship:

That’s right, a brand spankin’ new, RED, Dell laptop. And Mum is getting a matching one (thank you Daddy-O for early x-mas presents!) But here I am, on my estimated shipping date, and my order status still says “In Production”. Turns out some upgraded part that I never understood, that Bri and Dad insisted I needed, is on backorder. This makes me a very sad girl, a sad girl sneaking to blog while at work. I will just have to continue to wait, but I promise as soon as that bad boy is delivered it will be back to our regularly scheduled blogging program.

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