Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i heart election day!

I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am about this election. I was raised in a very political family, and while I choose not to discuss my beliefs and voting choices with very many people now, I admit the election coverage sucks me in every time.

Brian and I both proudly voted today. We were super lucky and got in and out in about 15 minutes. I’ve heard people in Richmond we waiting for 3+ hours! This is such an exciting time in history, and I am so proud to say I was part of it! If you are looking for us tonight, you can find us parked out in front of the TV, we got some yummy local pizza for dinner and are having our very own little election party. Bella doesn't seem to be as excited about the whole thing as we are, but I can assure you we will be up all night or at least until all the states have been called!

Us after voting this morning, Brian obviously still a bit sleepy,
and me very excited about my sticker!

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